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Jirav New Feature Announcement

Project Overview

Jirav is a financial data modeling company that works on 2-4 week feature enhancements, which means even two four weeks they are adding new features to their application. They realized they were lacking when it came to informing users when new features were being released. I put together a simple carousel that introduces new features. A user can click through the different screens to read about all the different features. If the description is not enough the user can click the “Learn More” button which would launch an instructional video that explains the features in depth.

This was a fun and easy project, there wasn’t much research that went into the designs. 

View the prototype here.



When a user logs in and new features have been updated to will be directed to the “Introducing: New Feature…” modal.

New Features Dropdown

If a user closes the “New Features” carousel, under the Help icon they can relaunch the New Features if they need to see it a second time.

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